"Ilium 2015" by Taylor University



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The 2015 yearbook of Taylor University in Upland, Indiana.

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Taylor University


Upland, IN




The Ilium, yearbooks, Taylor University, Upland, campus events, student life, chapel, faculty, students, student organizations, administration, photographs, college president, Eugene Habecker, Senior Class, Junior Class, Sophomore Class, Freshman Class, academic departments, campus buildings, athletics, intercollegiate athletics, intramural sports, Ilium Staff, Echo Staff, basketball, football, baseball, tennis, golf, track and field, cross country, volleyball, softball, soccer, staff, buildings and grounds, Taylor World Outreach, Taylor Student Organization, Youth Conference, commencement, Taylor Theatre, plays, Homecoming, Spiritual Emphasis Week, Lighthouse, Study Abroad, concerts, Taylathon, Family Weekend, Nostalgia Night, Airband, World Opportunities Week, My Generation Night, student reflections, student experiences, Marylou (Napolitano) Habecker, Welcome Weekend, Swing Dance, Life Together Covenant, hoedown, Community Plunge, Community Outreach, Parents Weekend, Silent Night, Envision Film Festival, Spring Break Trips, MAHE, lacrosse, Equestrian Club, Admissions Interns, CREW, Adoration, Taylor Sounds, Taylor Ringers, Chorale, Gospel Choir, Jazz Ensemble, Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, chapel bands, Personnel Assistants, Discipleship Coordinators, Discipleship Assistants, Carpenter’s Hands, Global Outreach, BASSYCS, BASSYCS Jr., Media Marketing, Student Senate, Interclass Council, Student Activities Council, Student Body President, Executive Cabinet, Leadership Development, Integration of Faith and Culture, Psychology Club, ASIA, International Student Society, Latino Student Union, Black Student Union, Physics and Engineering Club, Wes-Del Apocalypse, Red Barn, Multi-Ethnic Student Association, CREW, Taylor Ultimate Club, WTUR, Mu Kappa, One-on-One, Alpha Pi Iota, statistics, Chapel Coordinators, Parnassus, MESA, Mosaic Night, Kappa Delta Pi, Student Social Work Organization, Enactus, ACTS, Candles and Carols, MES, Honors Program, Poms, Encounter, Math Club, Opera Theatre, Campus Communion, gifts, special collections, American West, Leland Boren, LaRita Boren, Car Smash, Color Run, Family Weekend, Sexuality and the Body, Wonka Wonderland Dance, Open Houses, Wax Skating, Sing Noel, Jingle Bell Jog, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Coffee and Canvas, Black Student Union, Valentine’s Day, Tower Games, National Student Leadership Conference, Making Literature Conference, Social Justice Week, Pi Day, Retreats, Drones, Groundbreaking, Grandparents’ Weekend, Autism Family Fun Night, Upland Unity Festival, Beach Bash, Ritz on the Roof, Murder Mystery Dinner, Aquaponics, Ethics Bowl, Debate Team, Rugby, Dances and Special Events Committee, Enactus


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Ilium 2015
