"Ilium 2017" by Taylor University



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The 2017 yearbook of Taylor University in Upland, Indiana.

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Taylor University


Upland, IN




The Ilium, yearbooks, Taylor University, Upland, campus events, student life, chapel, faculty, students, student organizations, administration, photographs, college president, P. Lowell Haines, Senior Class, Junior Class, Sophomore Class, Freshman Class, academic departments, campus buildings, athletics, intercollegiate athletics, intramural sports, Ilium Staff, Echo Staff, basketball, football, baseball, tennis, golf, track and field, cross country, volleyball, softball, soccer, staff, buildings and grounds, Taylor World Outreach, Taylor Student Organization, Youth Conference, commencement, Taylor Theatre, plays, Homecoming, Spiritual Emphasis Week, Lighthouse, Study Abroad, concerts, Taylathon, Family Weekend, Nostalgia Night, Airband, World Opportunities Week, student reflections, student experiences, Welcome Weekend, Swing Dance, Life Together Covenant, hoedown, Community Plunge, Community Outreach, Parents Weekend, Silent Night, Envision Film Festival, Spring Break Trips, MAHE, lacrosse, Equestrian Club, Admissions Interns, Adoration, Taylor Sounds, Taylor Ringers, Chorale, Gospel Choir, Jazz Ensemble, Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, chapel bands, Personnel Assistants, Discipleship Coordinators, Discipleship Assistants, Basics, Basics Jr., Media Marketing, Student Senate, Interclass Council, Student Activities Council, Student Body President, Executive Cabinet, Leadership Development, Integration of Faith and Culture, statistics, US News and World Report, enrollment, new president, Luau, Game Day, All Campus Communion, Melon and Gourd, Wes-Del Apocalypse, Woke Week, Prayer Walk, Black Lives Matter, Black Student Union, Halloween, open houses, Halloween Dance, My Generation, Shark Tank, Silent Night, Holiday with the Haines, J-Term, Coffee and Canvas, Ethics Bowl, Taylor Lyric Theatre, Special Olympics, Student Body President, Envision Film Festival, alumni reflections, Dance the Night Away, Eggstravaganza, Mosaic Night, Ritz on the Roof, Fun in the Sun, Jungle Cats, Jazz Band, Cheerleaders, POMS, Rugby, Smash Crew, WTUR, Alpha Phi Gamma, Kappa Delta Pi, Beta Alpha Epsilon, Math Club, MagnITO-SAT Team, Public Health, Psych Club, American Sign Language Club, U-Turn, WoPro Cabinet, Rice Pilaf, Black Student Union, Latin Student Union, BSU, LSU, ASIA, MESA, MESA, MECA, DSEC, Encounter, ReaLife, Jungle Cats and Swing Dance Club, Global Outreach, Wandering Wheels


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Ilium 2017
