"Ilium 2003" by Taylor University



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The 2003 yearbook of Taylor University in Upland, Indiana.

Theme: Journeys

Publication Date



Taylor University


Upland, IN


The Ilium, yearbooks, Taylor University, Upland, campus events, student life, chapel, faculty, students, student organizations, administration, photographs, college president, David J. Gyertson, Senior Class, Junior Class, Sophomore Class, Freshman Class, academic departments, campus buildings, athletics, intercollegiate athletics, intramural sports, Ilium Staff, Echo Staff, basketball, football, baseball, tennis, golf, track and field, cross country, volleyball, softball, soccer, staff, buildings and grounds, Taylor World Outreach, Taylor Student Organization, Youth Conference, commencement, Taylor Theatre, plays, Homecoming, Spiritual Emphasis Week, Lighthouse, Study Abroad, concerts, Taylathon, Parents’ Weekend, Nostalgia Night, Airband, World Opportunities Week, My Generation Night, student experiences, student reflections, Jay Kesler, Cardboard Boat Regatta, Community Plunge, Community Outreach, Square Dance, Christmas, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Dot’s Diner Night, Grandparent’s Day, Metcalf Visual Arts Center, new buildings, PROBE, Tin Man Triathalon, Silent Night basketball game, Christmas Party, Christmas Fandago, Mister TU, Coburn Metcalf, Modelle Metcalf, student teaching, The Yurt, interviews, Jim Garringer, Hodson Dining Commonsm Emergency Medical Technicians, Kristen Secrest, Brian Burns, firefighters, Erik Hayes, twins, Ben Flossie, Adam Flossie, Leslie Davis, Lindsey Davis, 500 Festival Mini Marathon, Alberta Miller, Cody Rodeheaver, Ethan Van Drunen, Drew McRae, Jason Nieuwsma, LaVerne Newson, staff deaths, American ethnic student programs, illness, AHANA, David Bohm, Marine Corps Reserves, Iraq, war, senior art shows, Bergwall Wheel of Fortune, Rice Pilaf, lacrosse, Life Together Covenant, CREW, Visitation Assistants, Admissions Interns, Student Ambassadors, Parnassus, World Christian Fellowship, TABS, Leadership Services, Student Senate, Student Services, Integration of Faith and Culture, Community Life, Interclass Council, Press Services, Symphonic Band, Taylor Ringers, Taylor Sounds, Chorale, University Choir, Handbell Choir, Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Band, Steve Bedi, Randy Gruendyke, equestrian team


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Ilium 2003
