"Ilium 2008" by Taylor University



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The 2008 yearbook of Taylor University in Upland, Indiana.

Theme: For such a time as this

Publication Date



Taylor University


Upland, IN


The Ilium, yearbooks, Taylor University, Upland, campus events, student life, chapel, faculty, students, student organizations, administration, photographs, college president, Eugene Habecker, Senior Class, Junior Class, Sophomore Class, Freshman Class, academic departments, campus buildings, athletics, intercollegiate athletics, intramural sports, Ilium Staff, Echo Staff, basketball, football, baseball, tennis, golf, track and field, cross country, volleyball, softball, soccer, staff, buildings and grounds, Taylor World Outreach, Taylor Student Organization, Youth Conference, commencement, Taylor Theatre, plays, Homecoming, Spiritual Emphasis Week, Lighthouse, Study Abroad, concerts, Taylathon, Family Weekend, Nostalgia Night, Airband, World Opportunities Week, My Generation Night, student reflections, student experiences, Marylou (Napolitano) Habecker, Memorial Prayer Chapel, Laurel Erb, Bradley Larson, Betsy Smith, Laura VanRyn, Monica Felver, car accidents, student deaths, staff deaths, Welcome Weekend, New Student Orientation, Community Plunge, Community Outreach, Mu Kappa, hoe-down, Grandparents Day, Reject Show, Silent Night, Habecker’s Holipalooza, Trojan Film Fest, Spring Break Trips, Writing Center, Academic Enrichment Center, Math Study Tables, Tutoring, Academic Intensive Module, graduate programs, MAHE, masters programs, lacrosse, equestrian team, Parnassus, WTUR, mc7, television, CREW, telecounselors, E-CRU, Chorale, musicals, Taylor Sounds, Adoration, Taylor Ringers, Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Flute Choir, chapel bands, chapel coordinators, discipleship coordinators, personnel assistants, discipleship assistants, Global Outreach, Acting on AIDS, Carpenter’s Hands, Taylor Christian Artists, Community Outreach, Taylor Disability Outreach, Oneighty, Nursing Home Outreach, Whatchamacallit, One-On-One, BASSYCS, Gospel Choir, Asian Awareness Association, AHANA, International Student Society, Students Involved in Free Enterprise, SIFE, Alpha Pi Iota, student body president, Executive Cabinet, Leadership Development, Community Life, Student Activities Council, Interclass Council, Student Senate, Multi-Ethnic Student Association, Integration of Faith and Culture, Student Development, Interclass Council, Career Planning Assistants, Rice Pilaf, dorm floods, off campus


Education | Higher Education

Ilium 2008
