"The Gem 1931" by Taylor University



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The 1931 yearbook of Taylor University in Upland, Indiana.

Dedicated to that spirit of Christian world conquest which impelled Bishop William Taylor in all his travel and labor, which has urged forward many graduates of Taylor University who are now laboring in foreign countries, and which is even now a potent influence among the students of this school.

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Taylor University


Upland, IN


The Gem, yearbooks, Taylor University, Upland, campus events, student life, chapel, faculty, students, student organizations, student contests, Board of Trustees, list of faculty, photographs, college president, John Paul, class lists, Senior Class, poems, Junior Class, Sophomore Class, Freshman Class, Philalethean Literary Society, literary societies, Thalonian Literary Society, academic departments, campus buildings, athletics, intramural sports, Mnanka Debate Club, Soangetaha Debate Club, Eureka Debate Club, Eulogonian Debate Club, intercollegiate debates, advertisements, humor, university history, Student Council, Post-Graduates, new college presidents, Robert Lee Stuart, Bishop Taylor Orators, French Club, Science Club, Girl’s House Officers, plays, Taylor theatre, Quill Club, Choral Society, Glee Club, Orchestra, poems, Young People’s Gospel League, Holiness League, Prayer Band, Student Volunteers, Men’s Ministerial Association, Women’s Evangel Organization, Preachers’ Kids, Alumni missionaries, Athletic Association, Maytag Gymnasium, new buildings, basketball, baseball, softball, women’s baseball, tennis, track and field, athletic records, maintenance, academic calendar, events calendar, chronicle of events, post graduates, enrollment, list of students, student directory, snapshots, songs, sheet music, Kenneth Wells


Education | Higher Education

The Gem 1931
