Content Posted in 2021
1904 Commencement Week, Taylor University
1920 Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
19th Conference of The Associations of Christians In The Mathematical Sciences, Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
2021 Program: Celebration of Scholarship, Taylor University
A Bayesian Secondary Analysis in an Asthma Study, Samuel P. Wilcock, Vernon M. Chinchilli, and Stephen P. Peters
A Beast’s Best Friend: Interspecies Friendship in the Thought of C. S. Lewis, Edwin Woodruff Tait
A Biblical Theological Analysis of Hebrews 3:7-14, Caleb Rolling
Academy Class Day Program, Taylor University
A Career Preparation Course for Students in Mathematics and Computer Science, Donna Pierce and Peter A. Tucker
A Celebration of Diversity, Taylor University Fort Wayne
A Celebration of Diversity, Taylor University Fort Wayne
A Celebration of Diversity Concert, Taylor University
A Celebration of Reconciliation, Taylor University
A Celebration of Reconciliation - Flyer, Taylor University
A Christian Appraisal of Stephan Wolfram's A New Kind of Science, Gene B. Chase
A Christian Constructivist? The Impact of Worldview on Learning Theories and the Mathematics Education Research Community, Jeffrey Barrett and Dave Klanderman
A Christian Point of View, A. Wayne Roberts
ACMS 18th Biennial Conference Proceedings, Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
A Comparative Analysis Between the Palestinians of Lebanon and Jordan, Kassidy Grace Hall
A Comparative Study of Christian Mathematical Realism and Its Humanistic Alternatives, Paul Zwier
A Conjectured Paradigm Shift in 21st Century Mathematics Pedagogy, Paul Isihara
A Course on Mathematics and the Christian Faith, W. David Laverell and Carl J. Sinke
Acquainted with Grief, George Shaw
Addressing Challenges in Creating Math Presentations, David Schweitzer
Adherence to a Lifestyle Modification Program: What can baseline differences tell us?, Grace Allan and Kristen Pogue
A Different Approach, Catherine Crockett
Aerial View of Campus - Dome Construction
Aerial View of Campus - Heating Plant, Northeast
Aerial View of Campus - Heating Plant, Southwest
Aerial View of Campus - H Maria Wright
Aerial View of Campus - Maytag Gymnasium and Magee-Cambell-Wisconsin Dormitory
Aerial View of Campus - Sickler Hall
Aerial View of Campus - Southward Expansion
Aerial View of Campus - The Farm
Afterword: About the Center for the Study of C. S. Lewis and Friends at Taylor University, Lisa Ritche
A Greater Tantalizer, Andrew Simoson
Agustine's Mathematical Realism, Paul J. Zwier
Al-Khwārizmī: Founder of Classical Algebra, Calvin Jongsma
A Mathematician at the Science and Theology Book Club, Greg Crow
Analyzing the Impact of Active Learning in General Education Mathematics Courses, Amanda Harsy, Marie Meyer, Michael Smith, and Brittany Stephenson
An Answer for Orual: C. S. Lewis as Defender of the Faith, Donald T. Williams
An Augustinian Perspective on the Philosophy of Mathematics, James Bradley
An Ekphrasis by C. S. Lewis: “On a Picture by Chirico”, Joe R. Christopher
An Integration of Integrations of Christianity and Mathematics—A Response to Harold Heie, Gene B. Chase
An Investigation of Hi Ho! Cherry-O Using Markov Chains, Nicholas C. Zoller
An Investigation of the Behavior of Calculus Students Working Collaboratively in an Interactive Software Environment, Angela Hare
Annotation of the Genome of Drosophilia Ananassae, Landon Kehr
Approximating Sums of Infinite Series, Kara Garrison and Thomas E. Price
A Pre-Calculus Controversy: Infinitesimals and Why They Matter, Karl-Dieter Crisman
A Qualitative Exploration of Undergraduate Students’ Experiences of Psychological Safety in the Classroom, Josh Meredith
A Reaction to the Poythress Paper, Paul J. Zwier
Are Mathematical Entities Real?, Phillip E. Lestmann
Are Mathematical Objects Ontologically Real? Ideas and Suggestions, Frank R. Bernhart
A Response to Professor Poythress’s “Science as Allegory”, Paul deVries
Arithmetic Sequences, Diophantine Equations and the Number of the Beast, Bryan Dawson
Arrogance and Humility in the Philosophy of Mathematics, James Murdock
Asserting CS != Can't Spcialize, Building Community in a Computer Science Program, Kim Kihlstrom
Assessing Production and Economics of Compost and Manure as Soil Amendments for Organic Vegetable Production, Philip Grabowski, Lindsay Rice, and Isaac Fouts
Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences Proceedings 2017, Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences Proceedings 2019, Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
A Tale of Two Transitions, David Klanderman, Sharon Robbert, and Robert Wheeler
A Triune Philosophy of Mathematics, Dusty Wilson
A Tutorial on PROLOG, Russell C. Bjork
A Unifying Project for a TEX/CAS Course, Andrew Simoson
Authentic Voices: Women of Insight Talk about Real-Life Challenges, Jewell Reinhart Coburn and Joyce Smith Helyer
Authoring an Undivided Self: Predictors of Self-Authorship Among First-Year Students Attending Christian Universities, Rachel Abouras
A Vine of God's Own Planting: A History of Fort Wayne Bible College, Jared F. Gerig
A Vision for ACMS, James Bradley
Awakening the Reader to Nature’s Aesthetics: A Novel Purpose in The Seaboard Parish, Cynthia DeMarcus Manson
Axiomatic Structure and the Method of Analysis: Shifting Styles in the History of Mathematics, Calvin Jongsma
Axioms: Mathematical and Spiritual: What Says the Parable?, Melvin Royer
Baccalaureate and Commencement 1972, Taylor University
Baccalaureate and Commencement 1973, Taylor University
Baccalaureate and Commencement 1974, Taylor University
Baccalaureate and Commencement 1975, Taylor University
Baccalaureate and Commencement 1976, Taylor University
Baccalaureate and Commencement 1977, Taylor University
Baccalaureate and Commencement 1978, Taylor University
Baccalaureate and Commencement 1979, Taylor University
Baccalaureate and Commencement 1980, Taylor University
Baccalaureate and Commencement 1981, Taylor University
Baccalaureate and Commencement 1982, Taylor University
Baccalaureate and Commencement 1983, Taylor University
Baccalaureate and Commencement 1984, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Services 1964, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Services 1965, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Services 1966, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Services 1967, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Services 1968, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Services 1969, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1933, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1934, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1935, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1936, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1937, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1938, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1939, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1940, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1941, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1943, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1944, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1945, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1946, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1947, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1949, Taylor University
Baccalaureate Sunday 1950, Taylor University
Basic Basketball, Don J. Odle
Basic Harmonic Techniques, Hilda L. Steyer
Basketball Around the World, Don J. Odle
Basketball Basics, Don J. Odle
Battlefield of the Mind: Examining Screwtape’s Preferred Method, William O’Flaherty
Bedi Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence Dedication (2021), Barb Bird
Being Hnau: The Imago Dei in Gulliver’s Travels and the C. S. Lewis Space Triology, Abby Palmisano
Beings of Magic: A Comparison of Saruman the White in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and Simon the Clerk in Williams’ All Hallows’ Eve, Kathryne Hall
beloved: “let us love one another”, Taylor University
B.F. Skinner's Behaviorism: An Analysis, Mark P. Cosgrove
Bibliography of Christianity and Mathematics, Gene B. Chase
"Big Idea" Reflection Assignments for Learning and Valuing Mathematics, Jeremy Case and Mark Colgan
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Bishop William Taylor’s 200th Birthday Celebration - 175 Event, May 2021
Blaise Pascal - Mathematician, Mystic, Disciple, Tim Rogalsky
Blended Courses Across the Curriculum: What Works and What Does Not, Ryan Botts, Lori Carter, and Catherine Crockett
Book Review, David J. Stucki
Book Review: Virtual Gods: The Seduction of Power and Pleasure in Cyberspace, Jonathan R. Senning
Books, Theology, and Hens: The Correspondence and Friendship of C. S. Lewis and Dorothy L. Sayers, Laura K. Simmons and Gary L. Tandy
Breaking Down the Walls, Taylor University
Breaking Down the Walls Chapel Program, Taylor University
Breathing Life into the Liberal Arts Math Course: Ten Teaching Tips, Mark Colgan
Bridging Yesterday’s Dream with Today’s Reality, Taylor University
Brief Position Paper for Panel Discussion on Relation of Mathematics and Christianity, C. Ralph Verno
Bringing Undergraduate Research into the Classroom, Stephen Lovett
“But What is the Moral?”: A Dramatized Bibliographic Study of the Relationship of George MacDonald’s “The Light Princess” to Adela Cathcart, Joe Ricke, Abby Palmisano, Blair Hedges, and Cara Strickland
Calculus Communication Circle, Judith Palagallo
Can Critical Thinking Be Redeemed?, Jeremy Case
Can Love be Blind?, Bethany Russell
Can Mathematical Methods Yield Theological Truth?, Jan de Koning
Cantor's Concept of Infinity: Implications of Infinity for Contingence, Bruce A. Hedman
Canto XXXIII, M. J. Paulus
Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Taylor University
Centennial Program: History & Events 1946, Taylor University
Centennial Program Poster (1946), Taylor University
Chaos Theory and Metaphysical (In) Determinism, Tim Rogalsky
Chapel: Key Note Address, Joel Olufowote
Charles Babbage and Mathematical Aspects of the Miraculous, Courtney K. Taylor
Chesterton in Heaven, Jennifer Woodruff Tait
Christian Adventures in South Africa, William Taylor
Clinical Pediatric Weight Management in Rural Indiana: A Case Study, Molly Romanowski, Derek Van Prooyen, Riley Massey, Ian Hunt, and Sophie Snyder
Cloning, Expression, and Purification of Hemeproteins of Plasmodium Falciparum, Kendra Russell, Elaine Christian, Alex Helmuth, and Tia Watkins
Closing Banquet Eulogies, Russell Howell and C. Ray Rosentrater
Commencement at Taylor University with Spiritual Convocation, Taylor University
Commencement Calendar - Taylor University Bulletin, Taylor University
Commencement Day, Taylor University
Commencement Events, Taylor University
Communities Committed to Reconciliation, Taylor University
Comparative Genomics for D. Ananassae, Hailey Chang and Tia Watkins
Computer Science: Creating in a Fallen World, Russell Tuck
Computer Science in Liberal Arts Colleges, James Bradley
Computing Foundations for the Scientist, Catherine Bareiss and Larry Vail
Conference Schedule (2017), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Connecting Mathematics Students to Philosophy and Faith, Nathan Moyer
Connection-Oriented Computer Science Education, Kim Kihlstrom
Constructivism, Mathematics Education and Christianity, Ted Watanabe
Contemporaries & Other Inklings Collection Finding Aid, Taylor University
Convention and Commencement Program, Taylor University
Counting Tulips: Three Combinatorial Proofs, Eric Gossett
Courage: Take a Stand for Justice, Taylor University
Courage: Take a Stand for Justice - Flyer, Taylor University
Creating a Sense of Belonging for College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Study Analysis, Hannah Gumbert
C. S. Lewis and Christian Postmodernism: Jewish Laughter Reversed, Kyoko Yuasa
C. S. Lewis and Dorothy L. Sayers: Correspondence, Marsha Daigle-Williamson
C. S. Lewis and the Problem of Prayer, Robert Moore-Jumonville
C. S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Esemplastic Friendship, Paul E. Michelson
C.S. Lewis Collection Finding Aid, Taylor University
C. S. Lewis: Mere Christian, Evangelist, Author, and Friend, Mark R. Hall
Cultivating Mathematical Affections through Engagement in Service-Learning, Josh Wilkerson
Dear Future Researcher: A Reflection on How COVID has Most Impacted my College Life at Taylor University, Tesia Juraschek
Dear Future Researcher: Reflections on COVID-19, Benjamin Wetzel
Delaware, Dickeson, Assessment and How You Can Help, Greg Crow and Maria Zack
Design and Synthesis of Organic Compounds as Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors for the Prevention and Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Paige O'Connor, Jocelyn Pletcher, and Kendra Russell
Design and Synthesis VEGFR-2 Kinase Inhibitors, Christopher Chiodo, Melissa Copeland, and Vincent Sichula
Designing for Mistrust, Eric Gossett
Developing Better Instruction, Better Instructors, and New Investigators, Clay Vander Kolk and Abigail Pyle
Developing Mathematicians: The Benefits of Weaving Spiritual and Disciplinary Discipleship, Patrick Eggleton
Developing Multicultural Competence in Undergraduate Student Leaders through a Civil Rights Bus Tour, Kevin J. Villegas and Catherine Lombardozzi
Developing the Underutilized Mathematical Strengths of Students, Patrick Eggleton
Digital Filtering and Smoothing: A Student Simulation Project, Eric Gossett
D. Melanogaster Heart as a Model for Cell Specification and Morphogenesis, Luke Rovenstine
Does the Success of Mathematics Defeat Naturalism?, Russell W. Howell
Dog City After Dark After reading The Great Divorce, Rick Hill
“Don’t Believe in Anything That Can’t Be Told in Colored Pictures”: Notes on a Dramatic Reading of Poems by Lewis, Tolkien, Chesterton, and Williams, Jennifer Woodruff Tait
Dorothy Sayers and the Mutual Admiration Society: Friendship and Creative Writing in an Oxford Women’s Literary Group, Barbara M. Prescott
Dreams, Words, and Realities, Taylor University
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Chapel, Taylor University
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Chapel, Taylor University
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Special Chapel, Taylor University
Durable Discipleship: The Value of a Strengths-Based Approach to Discipleship, Jacob Gerding
Educational Campaign on Opioid Awareness for Grant County, Indiana, Donna Downs, Claire Nieshalla, Madelyn Ames, Ela Alvarado, and Alanna Raikes
Eichling Aquatics Wing (2011), Taylor University
Engaging Teaching Today Conference 2021 - Schedule, Barb Bird
Euler and the Ongoing Search for Odd Perfect Numbers, Brian D. Beasley
Euler Groundbreaking (2010), Taylor University
Even the Parrot and World War II: How Wartime Britain Influenced Dorothy L. Sayers's 1944 Book for "Enlightened Children", Rachel Knight
Existence in Mathematics, Willis Alberda
Expanding Jonathan Edwards’ Typology Program: The Bell Curve as a Type of Christ, Jason Wilson
Experiencing a Paradigm Shift: Teaching Statistics through Simulation-based Inference, Dave Klanderman, Mandi Maxwell, and Nathan Tintle
Experiencing God Together: A Phenomenology of Campus Revival and Its Impact on Student Faith and Spirituality, Caleb Hoelscher
Experimenting with the Calculus Laboratory Setting, Glen Van Brummelen
Exploiting the Confidence Interval-Hypothesis Test Equivalence in Basic Statistics Classes, Ken Constantine
Explore Global Opportunities for Mathematics Scholarship, Teaching, and Service, Ron Benbow
Exploring the Limits of Computing Through Exhaustive Search, Jeffrey L. Lehman
Factors that Motivate Students to Learn Mathematics, Dave Klanderman, Sarah Klanderman, Benjamin Gliesmann, Josh Wilkerson, and Patrick Eggleton
Faith in a Faithful God: A Biblical Theological Analysis of Ezekiel 34:11-24, Jenna King
Faith Integration Projects for First-year Students, Doug Phillippy
Faith, Mathematics, and Science: The Priority of Scripture in the Pursuit and Acquisition of Truth, Bob Mallison
Fifty-Fifth Annual Commencement of Taylor University, Taylor University
Fifty-First Annual Commencement of Taylor University, Taylor University
Fifty-Fourth Annual Commencement of Taylor University, Taylor University
Fifty-Second Annual Commencement of Taylor University, Taylor University
Fifty-Third Annual Commencement of Taylor University, Taylor University
Fifty-Third Annual Commencement of Taylor University, Taylor University
Filtering the Bible and Filtering Spam, Gene B. Chase
Finding Meaning in Calculus (and Life), Doug Phillippy
Fire! Lessons Learned and Applied to Computer Systems, Kim P. Kihlstrom
Five Years Along: The Efficacy of the Implementation of the 2016 Final Agreement in Colombia, Hope Thomas
FMUS 2020 Trump Executive Order Research, Grace Christodoss and Kaleb Sena
Forming the Analytical Society at Cambridge University, Richard Stout
Forward, Joe Ricke
Fourteenth Annual Commencement of Fort Wayne College of Medicine, Taylor University Fort Wayne College of Medicine
Fourteenth Annual Commencement of Taylor University, Taylor University
Fractal Geometry and Chaos Theory: From Old Problems to New Models and Methods, Terence H. Perciante
Friends at Home: C. S. Lewis’s Social Relation at The Kilns, David Beckmann
Friendship and Hierarchy in Tolkien and Lewis, Grace Tiffany
Friendship in The Place of the Lion, Dan Hamilton
From Perfect Shuffles to Landau's Function, Brian D. Beasley
Galileo's Solution to Dante's Riddle, Andrew Simoson
George MacDonald Collection Finding Aid, Taylor University
Getting 1% Every Day: An Exploratory Case Study about Growth Mindset in a Collegiate Athletic Setting, Justen Paden
Gliotactin Dependent Myosin II Drosophila Wing Polarity, Gwendolyn Jones
God: One, Daniel Kiteck
Google and the Mathematics of Web Search, Michael Rempe
Googol-part Fugue: Another Imagination of Divine Providence and Game Theory, Gideon Lee
Graduation 1970, Taylor University
Graduation 1971, Taylor University
Gravitational Acceleration in Hades, Andrew Simoson
Growth No. 19 (2020) - Full Issue
Growth No. 20 (2021) - Full Issue
Henry More and C. S. Lewis: Cambridge Platonism and its Influence on Lewis’s Life and Thought, Susan Wendling
History and Current Situation of Russian church, Ioann S. Goncharov and Gennadiy A. Kalyabin
History of Mathematics: An Exercise in Strengths, Mary Walkins
History of Mathematics in the Service of School Mathematics Education, Calvin Jongsma
H. Maria Wright - Campus Grounds
H. Maria Wright - Chapel Assembly Hall
H. Maria Wright - Class of 1908
H. Maria Wright - Color Photograph
H. Maria Wright Hall - Mastodon
H. Maria Wright - Time Capsule
H. Maria Wright - View from Window
Holiness and the Greek Tongue, Newton Wray
Holocaust Tests College: What one college lost and learned through a disastrous fire, Wilbur Cleveland
Home Away from Home: The Experience of First-generation Students Living on Integrated Floors in Residence Halls, Carey Collins
Homecoming 1961 Brochure, Taylor University
Homecoming 1962 Brochure, Taylor University
Homecoming 1964 Brochure, Taylor University
Homecoming 1980 Mailer, Taylor University
Homecoming 1991 Mailer, Taylor University
Homecoming 1992 Mailer, Taylor University
Homecoming 2017 Booklet, Taylor University
Homecoming 2020 Mailer, Taylor University
Home Primes and Foreign Primes, Nicholas Zoller
Honor to Whom Honor is Due: The Life Story of Joseph Preston Blades Especially as Related to Taylor University Upland, Indiana, Burt Wilmot Ayres
How Has Christian Theology Furthered Mathematics?, Gene B. Chase
How to Be Saved and How to Save the World, William Taylor
“III Score & X” Or Selections Collections and Recollections of Seventy Busy Years, Silas Comfort Swallow
Improving the Teaching of Mathematics, David S. Moore
Inaugural Address of President Jay L. Kesler, Jay Kesler
Inclusive Environments: How Campus Mobility Effects A Sense of Belonging for the Student with a Mobility Impairment, Taylor Treece
In Jesus’ Name: The Life Story of Susan Talbott Wengatz, Sadie Louise Miller and John C. Wengatz
In Praise of Consent: Why Talking About Sex on Christian Campuses Matters Differently Than We Think; A Review Essay, Kristen L. Guidero
Insights on the Neyman - Pearson Lemma: Alternative critical regions, and their power., David E. Wetzell
Integrating Catholic and Marianist Historical Perspectives in a Mathematics Coruse for Elementary Education Majors, Mary Wagner-Krankel
Integrating dynamic software into geometry courses at middle school, high school, and college levels: Ten lesson plan and instruction material units incorporating Geometer's Sketchpad Version 4.07, Jamie Blauw, Lauren Zylstra, and Dave Klanderman
Integrating Laptops into a Mathematics Curriculum, Mary Wagner-Krankel
Integrating Moral and Spiritual Themes in Middle School and High School Mathematics Teaching Units, Dave Klanderman and Sean Bird
Integration of Faith, Learning, and Christian Vocation with First-Year Mathematics Majors, Doug Phillippy and Angela Hare
In the Business of Learning: Faithful Consumerism, Jessica Martin
Introduction (1977), Robert Brabenec
Introduction (1979), Robert Brabenec
Introduction (1981), Robert Brabenec
Introduction (1983), Robert Brabenec
Introduction (1985), Robert Brabenec
Introduction (1987), Paul Zwier
Introduction (1989), Gene B. Chase
Introduction (1991), Robert Brabenec
Introduction (1993), Russell Howell
Introduction (1995), David L. Neuhouser
Introduction (1997), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Introduction (1999), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Introduction (2001), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Introduction (2003), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Introduction (2005), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Introduction (2007), Angela Hare
Introduction (2009), Terry Perciante
Introduction (2011), Russell Howell
Introduction (2013), Eric Gossett
Introduction (2015), Thomas Price, Derek Schuurman, and Kevin Vander Meulen
Introduction (2017), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Introduction (2019), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Intuitionism, Terence H. Perciante
Is Mathematical Truth Time Dependent? Comments from a Paper by Judith Grabiner, Richard Stout
IV Score & More: Or Other Selections Collections and Recollections of Eighty-Three Busy Years, Silas Comfort Swallow
James Clerk Maxwell and Why Read Biographies, Sean Bird
Jesus, Plato, Math and Theology: What is Truth?, Paul Moffett
Joining Hands + Joining Hearts = Everyday Calling, Taylor University
Journey, Taylor University
Joy and Poetic Imagination: An Introduction to C. S. Lewis’s “Incessant Disputation” with Owen Barfield, Stephen Thorson
Katz's Book, W. S. Anglin
Kesler Student Activities Center Groundbreaking (2003), Taylor University
King Day 2002 Schedule, Taylor University
Knuth's (1, 2, 1) Unstacking, Paul J. Zwier
Lagrange's Interpolation, Chinese Remainder, and Linear Equations, Jesús Jiménez
Leading a Successful Missions Trip in Your Discipline, Tom Nurkkala and Darci Nurkkala
Lesson’s Learned: A Journey in Computational Science, Ryan Botts and Lori Carter
Let’s Talk About Sex: Healthy Sexuality Programming at Faith-Based Institutions, Kenedy M. Kieffer
Letters to Young Scholars: An Introduction to Christian Thought, William Carey Ringenberg
Life Lessons from Leibniz, Andrew J. Simoson
Lifting Every Voice, Taylor University
Linear Regression as a 1-Variable Optimization Exercise, Ken Constantine
Living Life Together: A Qualitative Exploration of Taylor University’s Lifestyle Covenant, Jana L. Roste
Logic and Proof for Mathematics: A Twentieth Century Perspective, Calvin Jongsma
Making Connections: Using Analogies to Enrich Understanding of Mathematical Ideas and Biblical Truths, Ron Benbow
Making Curriculum Decisions and The Nature of Mathematics, Paul Zwier
Mapping Biblical Commandments to an Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Framework, Nathan Gossett and Adam Johnson
Marin Mersenne: Minim Monk and Messenger; Monotheism, Mathematics, and Music, Karl-Dieter Crisman
Martin Luther King Celebration 2013, Taylor University
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Taylor University
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Taylor University
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Taylor University
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Taylor University Fort Wayne
Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2020 Schedule, Taylor University
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration, Taylor University Fort Wayne
Mathematical and Theological Beliefs: A Cognitive Science Perspective, Ron Benbow
Mathematical Models and Reality, John Byl
Mathematical Reflections: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants, Karl J. Smith
Mathematics and Values: Can Philosophy Guide Projects?, Michael H. Veatch
Mathematics as Poesis: A preliminary project report, Sam Stueckle, Jeremy Case, Ken Constantine, and Troy Riggs
Mathematics As Worship, David J. Stucki
Mathematics at Chartres Cathedral, Richard Stout
Mathematics in the Christian Philosophy of Life, C. Ralph Verno
Mathematics Memory Verses: Weekly Devotionals for Math Class, Mark Colgan
Mathematics: The Loss of Certainty, Calvin Jongsma
Mathematics Without Apologies: A Portrait of a Problematic Vocation by Michael Harris. A Review, Jeremy Case
Math, God and Politics—A Fight over Geometry in 19th Century Italy, Donna Pierce
Math History Study Abroad Program: Learning Math History in a Cultural Context, Donna Pierce
Maximum Elements of Ordered Sets and Anselm's Ontological Argument, Doug Ward
Men Are From the Server Side, Women Are From the Client Side: A Biblical Perspective on Men, Women and Computer Science, Kim Potter Kihlstrom
Mentoring as a Statistical Educator in a Christian College, L. Marlin Eby
Milo Rediger - By His Fireplace
Milo Rediger - High School Photo
Milo Rediger - H. Maria Wright Hall
Milo Rediger - Maytag Conversion
Milo Rediger - Meeting with Students
Milo Rediger - Presidential Portrait
Milo Rediger - Rediger Auditorium Model
Milo Rediger - With Dr. Elmer Nussbaum
Mithridate's Ambition and the Greco-Roman World: Contending for Power in the First Century B.C., Eric Krauss
MLK Chapel, Taylor University
MLK JR Day, Taylor University
MLK jr. Day, Taylor University
MLK junior 2006, Taylor University
Models, Values, and Disasters, Michael H. Veatch
Monoids for Math Majors, Brian D. Beasley
Multiculturalism in Higher Education: Increasing Access and Improving Equity in the 21st Century, Crystal M. Cartwright
Mutuality in Wonderland: Charles Dodgson, Adopted Member of the MacDonald Family, Rachel E. Johnson
Myosin II is Required for Drosophila Wing Planar Cell Polarity, Mariah Williams
Mystery of the Infinite: Developing a Mathematically Based Summer Scholars Program, Christopher Micklewright
My Story, Tesia Juraschek
Native Language in a Strange Country: Death and Rebirth in the Friendship of C. S. Lewis and Charlies Williams, Jennifer Raimundo
“New Horizons”, Taylor University
Newton and Saccheri: Case Studies in the Interplay of Mathematics and Religion, Tommy Leavelle
Non-Standard Calculus, Ron Friewald
Normality Properties of Composition Operators, Grace Weeks, Hallie Kaiser, and Katy O'Malley
Not-So-Silent Night: How a Small-Town Institution Has Developed and Sustained a Nationally Renowned Tradition, Ryan W. Kristofek
Numerical Range of Toeplitz Matrices over Finite Fields, Derek Thompson, Maddison Guillaume Baker, and Amish Mishra
Observations on Mathematics and the Christian Faith, W. David Laverell and Carl J. Sinke
On Kuyk’s Complementarity in Mathematics, Gene B. Chase
On Periodic Points on Maps of Trees and the Expansive Property, Fred Worth
On Random Numbers and God’s Nature, James Bradley
On the Friendship of Books: F. D. Maurice on the Art of Reading, Writing, and Friendship, Robert Trexler
On the Miracle of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes, Andrew Simoson
On the Shores of Greece: EU Migration Policy in the 2015 Refugee Crisis Through the Lens of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework, Victoria MacDonald
On Universal Tests for the Truth of World Views: Their Existence and Identifiability, William Buttelmann and Paul Fienberg
Open Source Software: What is it, and why should we Care?, Karl-Dieter Crisman
Our Firm Foundation: A Biblical Theological Study of Hebrews 2:5-18, Jenna King
Our South American Cousins, William Taylor
Outside the Gate, George Shaw
Overcoming Stereotypes through a Liberal Arts Math Course, Jessica Hamm
Owen Barfield and C. S. Lewis: A Critical Friendship, Colin Duriez
Paper Abstracts, Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Paper Abstracts (2009), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Paper Abstracts (2011), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Paper Abstracts (2013), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Paper Abstracts (2015), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Paper Abstracts (2017), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Paper Abstracts (2019), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Parables for Mathematicians: with Good News for Curved Beings, Ashley Reiter Ahlin
Parables to a Mathematician, Melvin Royer
Parent & Family Weekend 2014 Booklet, Taylor University
Parent & Family Weekend 2014 Sunday Service Program, Taylor University
Parent & Family Weekend 2015 Booklet, Taylor University
Parent & Family Weekend 2015 Sunday Service Program, Taylor University
Pascal’s Thoughts Seen in the Light of Scripture, Loredana Ciurariu
Patriarchy and P’daitaBird: The Artistic Influence of Albert Lewis, Crystal Hurd
Pauline Methods of Missionary Work, William Taylor
Peacebuilding through Education - The Shared Education Program: The Current Key to Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland Schools and Societies, Emily Grace VanHuis
Pedagogical Enhancements to the DeSymbol Logic Translator, Darren F. Provine and Nancy Lynn Tinkham
Perpetua and the Role of Women in the Third Century A.D, Brady Roberts
Perspectives: Limits and Possibilities: Two Essays on Interpretation, Marjorie Cook and Lewis Sego
Perspectives on Chaos: Reflections of a Mathematical Physicist, Kyle Spyksma
Philosophy Motivates Undergraduates in Mathematics, Dustin Wilson
Philosophy of “Spinning Wheels”, Loredana Ciurariu
Physical Activity in a Theory of Computing Class, Nancy Lynn Tinkham
Physics and The Health Sciences, Andrew P. Whipple
PK Mathematics, Jeremy Case
Plan to Spend a Few Days at Taylor, Taylor University
Portrayls of Mathematics in Culture, Jeremy Case
Practicing Postures of Growth: A Quasi-Experiment Exploring Student Engagement and Ownership of Learning, Morgan Allison
Preface (1999), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Preparing Students to Read a Calculus Textbook, Douglas Phillippy
Press Release, Taylor University
Pressure and Impulse in Student Learning: What I Learned from Teaching Physics, Kim Jongerius
Presumed Incompetent II: Race, Class Power, and Resistance of Women in Academia, Dannemart Pierre
Probabilistic Ways of Thinking, Garnet Hauger
Proceedings of the Twentieth Conference of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences, Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Professor Peacock's Symbolical Algebra: Glimpses into the Life and Work of a Mathematical Reformer, Richard Stout
Program of the Sixty-Fifth Annual Commencement of Taylor University, Taylor University
Promises, Taylor University
Promoting Persistence: Faculty of Color and the Graduation Rates of Students of Color at Predominantly White Institution, Serena Draper
Proof and Intution, Michael Detlefsen
Proteomic Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease, Grace Reynolds
Proteomics Analysis of Asymptomatic Alzheimer's Disease, Rebecca Hatcher
Psychology Gone Awry: An Analysis of Psychological World Views, Mark P. Cosgrove
Pursuing Peace: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Chapel, Taylor University
Pursuing the Dream for 20 years, Taylor University
Random Variables and a Sovereign God, Lloyd Montzingo
Reading Assignments and Assessments: Are Your Students Reading Math Texts Before Class, After Class, Both, or Neither?, David Klanderman, Mandi Maxwell, Sharon Robbert, and Bill Boerman-Cornell
Real Simulations and Simulated Reality, Wayne Iba
Recent Problems in the Foundationsof Mathematics, Terence H. Perciante
Recognition Convocation 1979, Taylor University
Reconciliation, Taylor University
Reflections of Taylor University 1915 to 1922 (White), Taylor University
Reflections of Taylor University September 1912 to June 1915 (Perry), Taylor University
Replacing Remedial Mathematics with Corequisites in General Education Mathematics Courses, Alana Unfried
Resettling Female Refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo: Obstacles and Their Implications for Intervention, Makenzie Jo Winger Pasma
Retrospect, Taylor University
Reviving the Argument from Design: Detecting Design Through Small Probabilities, William A. Dembski
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.: The Legacy of the Messenger and His Mission, Taylor University
Revolutions in Mathematics (Book Review), Kevin Vander Meulen
Riesz Spaces and Their Applications in Economics, Calvin E. Piston
Rock Memorial and Ministry Opportunities and Christian Foundations Grant Dedication (2021), Taylor University
Rules and Insights: Connecting the Mathematical and Linguistic Abilities of C.S. Lewis, Kim Jongerius
Sage: Math in Your Dorm Room, from Calculus to Research, Karl-Dieter Crisman
Samuel Morris Hall II - Aerial View
Samuel Morris Hall II - Breezeway
Samuel Morris Hall II - Construction
Samuel Morris Hall II - Dorm Room
Samuel Morris Hall II - Exterior East
Samuel Morris Hall II - Exterior Long
Samuel Morris Hall III - Exterior
Samuel Morris Hall II - Lounge
Samuel Morris Hall I - Interior
Samuel Morris Hall I - Porch Additions
Samuel Morris Hall I - Samuel Morris (Prince Kaboo) Faith Memorial Hall
Samuel Morris Hall I - Street View
Samuel Morris Hall I - Swallow Robbin Hall
Scandinavians and South Africa, Alan H. Winquist
Schedule (1989), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (1991), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (1993), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (1995), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (1997), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (1999), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (2001), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (2003), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (2005), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (2007), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (2009), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (2011), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (2013), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule (2019), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Schedule of Events, Joel Olufowote
Scrapbook (1907-1935), Taylor University
Scrapbook (1909-1941), Taylor University
Scrapbook (1915), Taylor University
Scrapbook (1924-1925), Taylor University
Scrapbook (1926), Taylor University
Scrapbook (1926), Taylor University
Scrapbook (1928-1930), Taylor University
Scrapbook (1930), Taylor University
Scrapbook (1938-1940), Taylor University
Scrapbook (1940-1941), Taylor University
Selected Bibliography of Donald MacCrimmon MacKay, Gene B. Chase
Selfies, Stories, and Statuses: The Impact of Social Media Usage on the Self-Esteem of College Students, Nick Dennig
Selling the Birthright: A Lecture to Young Men, George Shaw
Semi-Centennial of Taylor University Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
Separation from the King: Tinidril and Susan’s Temptation in the Desert, Kat Coffin
Service-Learning Panel, Dave Klanderman, Josh Wilkerson, and Maria Zack
Should Universities Encourage Students to Be Undecided?: A Consideration of Major Declaration Patterns and First-Destinations, Amber D. Stanley
Simulated Annealing on NP-Complete Problems, Russell W. Howell
Sister Penelope Lawson CSMV: Her Life, Writings and Legacy, Richard James
Six Ways, Yea Seven, that Scripture is Integral to our Science and Math Classes, Sean Bird
Software Engineering I: Teaching Challenges, Paul C. Grabow
Solomon's Sea and the Biblical π, Andrew Simoson
Some Contributions of Stanley Jaki To An Understanding of Mathematics, Paul deVries
SOS Checks and Career Management, Russell W. Howell
Soul Food (April 1897), Taylor University
Soul Food (April 1898), Taylor University
Soul Food (April 1899), Taylor University
Soul Food (April 1900), Taylor University
Soul Food (April 1901), Taylor University
Soul Food (April 1902), Taylor University
Soul Food (August 1897), Taylor University
Soul Food (August 1898), Taylor University
Soul Food (August 1899), Taylor University
Soul Food (August 1900), Taylor University
Soul Food (August 1901), Taylor University
Soul Food (December 1897), Taylor University
Soul Food (December 1898), Taylor University
Soul Food (December 1899), Taylor University
Soul Food (December 1901), Taylor University
Soul Food (December 1902), Taylor University
Soul Food (February 1898), Taylor University
Soul Food (February 1899), Taylor University
Soul Food (February 1900), Taylor University
Soul Food (February 1901), Taylor University
Soul Food (January 1897), Taylor University
Soul Food (January 1898), Taylor University
Soul Food (January 1899), Taylor University
Soul Food (January 1900), Taylor University
Soul Food (January 1901), Taylor University
Soul Food (July 1897), Taylor University
Soul Food (July 1898), Taylor University
Soul Food (July 1899), Taylor University
Soul Food (July 1900), Taylor University
Soul Food (June 1897), Taylor University
Soul Food (June 1898), Taylor University
Soul Food (June 1899), Taylor University
Soul Food (June 1900), Taylor University
Soul Food (March 1898), Taylor University
Soul Food (March 1899), Taylor University
Soul Food (March 1900), Taylor University
Soul Food (March 1901), Taylor University
Soul Food (March 1902), Taylor University
Soul Food (May 1898), Taylor University
Soul Food (May 1899), Taylor University
Soul Food (May 1900), Taylor University
Soul Food (May 1901), Taylor University
Soul Food (May 1901), Taylor University
Soul Food (May 1902), Taylor University
Soul Food (November 1897), Taylor University
Soul Food (November 1898), Taylor University
Soul Food (November 1899), Taylor University
Soul Food (November 1900), Taylor University
Soul Food (November 1901), Taylor University
Soul Food (October 1897), Taylor University
Soul Food (October 1898), Taylor University
Soul Food (October 1899), Taylor University
Soul Food (October 1900), Taylor University
Soul Food (October 1901), Taylor University
Soul Food (October 1902), Taylor University
Soul Food (September 1897), Taylor University
Soul Food (September 1898), Taylor University
Soul Food (September 1900), Taylor University
Start a Math Teacher Circle: Connect K-12 Teachers with Engaging, Approachable, and Meaningful Mahtematical Problems, Thomas Clark, Mike Janssen, Amanda Harsy, Dave Klanderman, Mandi Maxwell, and Sharon Robbert
Statistics, Mathematics, and Teaching, David S. Moore
Stories As Friends in C. S. Lewis’s Life and Work, Andrea Marie Catroppa
Strange Bedfellows: C. S. Lewis and Fred Hoyle, Kristine Larsen
“Sufficiently Different to Help One Another”: The Central Place of Books in the Friendships of the Inklings, John Stanifer
Supplemental Vocabulary Acquisition in The Desymbol Logic Translator, Darren F. Provine and Nancy Lynn Tinkham
Table of Contents (1977), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (1979), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (1981), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (1983), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (1985), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (1987), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (1989), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (1991), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (1993), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (1995), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (1997), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (1999), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (2001), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (2003), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (2005), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (2007), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (2009), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (2011), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (2013), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (2015), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (2017), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Table of Contents (2019), Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Take This Job and Love It: Dorothy Sayers on Work, Kimberly Moore-Jumonville
Tanzania, Mathematics, and Me: Reflections from my work with Tanzanian Teachers, Mandi Maxwell
Taylor: A Magazine for Taylor University Alumni, Parents and Friends (Fall 2020), Taylor University
Taylor: A Magazine for Taylor University Alumni, Parents and Friends (Spring 2021), Taylor University
Taylor Times: April 19, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: April 5, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: August 23, 1995, Taylor University
Taylor Times: August 23, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: December 1, 1995, Taylor University
Taylor Times: December 13, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: December 15, 1995, Taylor University
Taylor Times: December 27, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: December 29, 1995, Taylor University
Taylor Times: February 17, 2004, Taylor University
Taylor Times: February 23, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: February 9, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: January 10, 1997, Taylor University
Taylor Times: January 12, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: January 24, 1997, Taylor University
Taylor Times: January 26, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: July 26, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: June 28, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: March 22, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: March 8, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: May 17, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: May 31, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: May 3, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: November 1, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: November 15, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: November 17, 1995, Taylor University
Taylor Times: November 29, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: November 3, 1995, Taylor University
Taylor Times: October 18, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: October 20, 1995, Taylor University
Taylor Times: October 4, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: October 6, 1995, Taylor University
Taylor Times: September 20, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: September 22, 1995, Taylor University
Taylor Times: September 6, 1996, Taylor University
Taylor Times: September 8, 1995, Taylor University
Taylor University Alumni-Graduation Weekend 1973, Taylor University
Taylor University Bulletin (March 1947), Taylor University
Taylor University Catalog 2021-2022, Taylor University
Taylor University Chapel Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Taylor University
Taylor University Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Commencement and The Upland Conference on Christian Experiences and World Evangelism, Taylor University
Taylor University Commencement Concert, Taylor University
Taylor University Commencement Concert, Taylor University
Taylor University Commencement Concert, Taylor University
Taylor University Commencement Concert, Taylor University
Taylor University Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
Taylor University Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
Taylor University Commencement Recital, Taylor University
Taylor University Eightieth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Eighty-Eighth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Eighty-Eighth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Eighty-First Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Eighty-Fourth Annual Commencement Graduation Exercises, Taylor University
Taylor University Eighty-Ninth Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Eighty-Second Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Eighty-Seventh Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Eighty-Seventh Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Fifty-Ninth Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Graduate Catalog 2021-2022, Taylor University
Taylor University Ninetieth Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Ninety-Eighth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Ninety-Fifth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Ninety-First Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Ninety-First Commencement Invitation, Taylor University
Taylor University Ninety-Fourth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Ninety-Second Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Ninety-Seventh Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Ninety-Sixth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Ninety-Three Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Eighteenth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Eighth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Eighth Annual Commencement Activities, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Eleventh Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Eleventh Annual Commencement Activities, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Fifteenth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Fifteenth Annual Commencement Activities, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Fifth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred First Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Fourteenth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Fourteenth Annual Commencement Activities, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Fourth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Ninteenth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Ninth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Ninth Annual Commencement Activities, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Second Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Seventeenth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Seventeenth Annual Commencement Activities, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Seventh Annual Commencement Activities, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Sixteenth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Sixteenth Annual Commencement Activities, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Tenth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Tenth Annual Commencement Activities, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Third Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Thirteenth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Thirteenth Annual Commencement Activities, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Twelfth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Twelfth Annual Commencement Activities, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Twentieth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Twenty-First Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Twenty-Second Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University One Hundred Twenty-Third Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Prayer Breakfast in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929-1968, Taylor University
Taylor University Prayer Breakfast in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr., Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (April 1967), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (April 1972), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (April 1973), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (April 1976), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (April 1977), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (April 1982), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (April 1987), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (August 1963), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (August 1964), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (August 1965), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (August 1966), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (August 1968), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (August 1969), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (August 1970), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (December 1968), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (December 1977), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (December 1978), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (December 1980), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (February 1968), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (February 1969), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (February 1970), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (February 1978), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (February 1979), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (February 1981), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (January 1964), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (January 1965), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (January 1966), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (January 1967), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (January 1971), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (January 1972), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (January 1974), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (January 1975), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (January 1976), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (January 1983), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (January 1984), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (January 1986), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (January 1987), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (July 1972), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (July 1973), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (July 1974), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (July 1975), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (June 1970), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (June 1985), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (June 1986), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (March 1964), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (March 1966), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (March 1977), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (March 1978), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (March 1979), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (March 1980), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (March 1981), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (March 1984), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1964), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1965), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1966), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1967), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1968), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1969), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1970), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1971), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1976), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1978), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1979), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1980), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1981), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (May 1982), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (November 1967), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (October 1963), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (October 1964), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (October 1966), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (October 1967), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (October 1968), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (October 1972), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (October 1972 Special Edition), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (October 1973), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (October 1974), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (October 1975), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (October 1983), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (October 1985), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (September 1976), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (September 1977), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (September 1978), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (September 1979), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (September 1980), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (September 1981), Taylor University
Taylor University Profile (September 1984), Taylor University
Taylor University Program for Commencement Week, Taylor University
Taylor University School of Music Commencement Recital, Taylor University
Taylor University School of Music Commencement Recital, Taylor University
Taylor University Senior Class Exercises, Taylor University
Taylor University Seventieth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Seventieth Annual Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
Taylor University Seventy-Eighth Annual Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
Taylor University Seventy-Fifth Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Seventy-First Annual Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
Taylor University Seventy-Fourth Annual Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
Taylor University Seventy-Seventh Annual Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
Taylor University Seventy-Sixth Annual Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
Taylor University Seventy-Third Annual Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
Taylor University's Isolation Experience: Life in the Dome, Logan Lockhart
Taylor University Sixty-Eighth Annual Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
Taylor University Sixty-First Anniversary Commencement Week, Taylor University
Taylor University Sixty-Ninth Commencement, Taylor University
Taylor University Sixty-Ninth Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
Taylor University Sixty-Seventh Annual Commencement Exercises, Taylor University
Teaching about Race and Racism in the College Classroom: Notes from a White Professor, Jeffrey Tabone
Teaching Complex Analysis as a Lab-Type Course with a Focus on Geometric Interpretations using Mathematics, William M. Kinney
Teaching Linear Algebra and Abstract Algebra With Two Way Video and Audio, Edward Reinke
Teaching Mathematics at an African University -- My Experience, Kathleen Lewis
Teaching Mathematics Distinctively, Paul J. Zwier
Ten Mathematicians Who Recognized God’s Hand in their Work, Dale L. McIntyre
Ten Mathematicians Who Recognized God's Hand in Their Work (Part 2), Dale McIntyre
Tension, Division, and Chaos: A Phenomenological Study on the Impacts of the 2020 Election on Belonging in White Student and Students of Color, Bailey S. Sauls
Thalonian Review: October 1, 1927, Taylor University
The Academic Challenges of First-Generation College Students Within a Four-Year Institution, Maribel Magallanes
The Activitiy and Application of Mathematics, R. S. D. Thomas
The Angel in Ebony or The Life and Message of Sammy Morris, Jorge O. Masa
The Applicability of Mathematics and The Naturalist Die, Ricardo J. Cordero-Soto
The Artificial Gravity Pitch, Andrew Simoson
The Beautiful and Sublime in Mathematics, Paul Zwier
The Best Religious Calendar, Andrew Simoson
The Bible Students’ Cyclopaedia, L. U. Snead
The Bisexual Galton-Watson Branching Process, David M. Hull
The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America's Universities, Britney N. Graber
The Context and Enactment of Faith-based Social Entrepreneurship, Bruce R. Borquist
The Daily Question: Building Student Trust and Interest in Undergraduate Introductory Probability and Statistics Courses, Matthew A. Hawks
The Deconstruction of Mathematics, David J. Stucki
The Development of Algebraic Structures During the Nineteenth Century, Richard Stout
The Development of Mathematical and Spiritual Maturity in the Undergraduate Mathematics Curriculum, Angela Hare
The Divine Challenge: on Matter, Mind, Math and Meaning, by John Byl, Russell W. Howell
The Dome - Christmas Decorations
The Dome - Dining Hall at Night
The Dome - Dining Halls and Food Lines
The Dome - Interior Construction
The Ebony Heritage Singers, Taylor University
The Echo: April 10, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: April 10, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: April 11, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: April 11, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: April 11, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: April 11, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: April 11, 2020; Classes have resumed online, Taylor University
The Echo: April 1, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: April 1, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: April 12, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: April 12, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: April 12, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: April 12, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: April 12, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: April 12, 2020; Sports Away from Taylor: Part 1, Taylor University
The Echo: April 12, 2020; The hidden gem of history in Grant County, Taylor University
The Echo: April 12, 2020; Welcoming the student presidential team, Taylor University
The Echo: April 12, 2021, Taylor University
The Echo: April 13, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: April 13, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: April 13, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: April 13, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: April 13, 2020; Quinn White: a Coach and an Educator, Taylor University
The Echo: April 13, 2020; Still life together just online, Taylor University
The Echo: April 14, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: April 14, 2020; A New Normal, Taylor University
The Echo: April 14, 2020; ‘How I’m Feeling’ brings mixed feelings, Taylor University
The Echo: April 15, 1977, Taylor University
The Echo: April 15, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: April 15, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: April 15, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: April 15, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: April 15, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: April 15, 2020; Contributor Series: Impactful Moments, Taylor University
The Echo: April 15, 2020; Local restaurants need community, Taylor University
The Echo: April 16, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: April 16, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: April 16, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: April 16, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: April 16, 2020; COVID-19 Q&A Column: Scott Barrett, Taylor University
The Echo: April 17, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: April 17, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: April 17, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: April 18, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: April 18, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: April 19, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: April 19, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: April 19, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: April 19, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: April 19, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: April 19, 2021, Taylor University
The Echo: April 20, 1986, Taylor University
The Echo: April 20, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: April 20, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: April 20, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: April 20, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: April 20, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: April 20, 2020; Pass/fail deadlines have been extended, Taylor University
The Echo: April 20, 2020; Sports away from Taylor: Part 2, Taylor University
The Echo: April 21, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: April 21, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: April 21, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: April 21, 2020; Cake, Tea, and Crafty Things!, Taylor University
The Echo: April 21, 2020; Herbert Nygren’s Obituary, Taylor University
The Echo: April 21, 2020; Zondervan Library aids students online, Taylor University
The Echo: April 2, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: April 2, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: April 22, 1977, Taylor University
The Echo: April 22, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: April 22, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: April 22, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: April 22, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: April 22, 2020; ‘Kid Krow’ takes flight, Taylor University
The Echo: April 22, 2020; Tough times for tennis teams, Taylor University
The Echo: April 23, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: April 23, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: April 23, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: April 23, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: April 23, 2020; An Adopted Angell, Taylor University
The Echo: April 23, 2020; Making your home feel more like Taylor: the dos and don’ts, Taylor University
The Echo: April 24, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: April 24, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: April 24, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: April 24, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: April 24, 2020; ‘Community’ offers a new type of ‘Friends’, Taylor University
The Echo: April 25, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: April 25, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: April 25, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: April 25, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: April 25, 2020; An art show uncovered, Taylor University
The Echo: April 26, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: April 26, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: April 26, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: April 26, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: April 26, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: April 26, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: April 26, 2021, Taylor University
The Echo: April 27, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: April 27, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: April 27, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: April 27, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: April 27, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: April 27, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: April 27, 2020; Taylor reimburses $3.5 million, Taylor University
The Echo: April 27, 2020; Taylor’s battle for inclusivity, Taylor University
The Echo: April 28, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: April 28, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: April 28, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: April 28, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: April 28, 2020; Ball don’t lie, or does it?, Taylor University
The Echo: April 28, 2020; Building a program, Taylor University
The Echo: April 28, 2020; Contributor Series: Impactful Moments, Taylor University
The Echo: April 28, 2020; Coronavirus precautions reach another level, Taylor University
The Echo: April 28, 2020; Potatoes in a pandemic, Taylor University
The Echo: April 28, 2020; Women’s basketball season comes to a close, Taylor University
The Echo: April 29, 1977, Taylor University
The Echo: April 29, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: April 29, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: April 29, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: April 29, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: April 29, 2020; Simply to remember, Taylor University
The Echo: April 29, 2020; TU alumni find solutions to mask shortages, Taylor University
The Echo: April 30, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: April 30, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: April 30, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: April 30, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: April 30, 2020; Amazon’s ‘Honey Boy’ is an exercise in artful introspection, Taylor University
The Echo: April 30, 2020; Taylor students trim own hair, Taylor University
The Echo: April 3, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: April 3, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: April 3, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: April 4, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: April 4, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: April 4, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: April 4, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: April 5, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: April 5, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: April 5, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: April 5, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: April 6, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: April 6, 1986, Taylor University
The Echo: April 6, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: April 6, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: April 6, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: April 7, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: April 7, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: April 7, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: April 7, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: April 8, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: April 8, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: April 8, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: April 8, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: April 9, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: April 9, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: August 17, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: August 22, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: August 22, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: August 23, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: August 23, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: August 24, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: August 24, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: August 24, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: August 25, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: August 26, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: August 26, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: August 26, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: August 27, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: August 28, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: August 28, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: August 29, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: August 29, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: August 30, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: August 31, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: August 31, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: August 31, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: August 31, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: August 31, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: August 8, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: December 10, 1976, Taylor University
The Echo: December 10, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: December 10, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: December 10, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: December 10, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: December 11, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: December 11, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: December 11, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: December 11, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: December 1, 1989, Taylor University
The Echo: December 1, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: December 1, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: December 1, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: December 1, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: December 12, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: December 12, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: December 13, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: December 13, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: December 13, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: December 14, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: December 15, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: December 2, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: December 2, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: December 2, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: December 2, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: December 2, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: December 3, 1976, Taylor University
The Echo: December 3, 1982, Taylor University
The Echo: December 3, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: December 3, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: December 3, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: December 3, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: December 4, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: December 4, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: December 4, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: December 4, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: December 5, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: December 5, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: December 5, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: December 5, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: December 6, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: December 6, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: December 6, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: December 6, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: December 6, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: December 7, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: December 7, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: December 7, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: December 7, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: December 7, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: December 8, 1989, Taylor University
The Echo: December 8, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: December 8, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: December 8, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: December 8, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: December 9, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: December 9, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: December 9, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: December 9, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: December 9, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: February 10, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: February 10, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: February 10, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: February 10, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: February 10, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: February 11, 1977, Taylor University
The Echo: February 11, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: February 11, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: February 11, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: February 11, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: February 11, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: February 12, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: February 12, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: February 12, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: February 12, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: February 13, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: February 13, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: February 13, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: February 13, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: February 14, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: February 14, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: February 14, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: February 14, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: February 15, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: February 15, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: February 15, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: February 15, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: February 15, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: February 15, 2021, Taylor University
The Echo: February 16, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: February 16, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: February 16, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: February 16, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: February 16, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: February 17, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: February 17, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: February 17, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: February 17, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: February 17, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: February 17, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: February 18, 1977, Taylor University
The Echo: February 18, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: February 18, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: February 18, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: February 18, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: February 18, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: February 19, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: February 19, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: February 19, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: February 19, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: February 20, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: February 20, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: February 20, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: February 20, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: February 21, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: February 21, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: February 21, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: February 21, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: February 2, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: February 2, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: February 2, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: February 22, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: February 22, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: February 22, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: February 22, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: February 22, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: February 22, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: February 22, 2021, Taylor University
The Echo: February 23, 1986, Taylor University
The Echo: February 23, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: February 23, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: February 23, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: February 23, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: February 23, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: February 24, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: February 24, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: February 24, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: February 24, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: February 24, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: February 24, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: February 25, 1977, Taylor University
The Echo: February 25, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: February 25, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: February 25, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: February 25, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: February 25, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: February 26, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: February 26, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: February 26, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: February 26, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: February 27, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: February 27, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: February 27, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: February 27, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: February 28, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: February 28, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: February 28, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: February 28, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: February 29, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: February 3, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: February 3, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: February 3, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: February 3, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: February 4, 1977, Taylor University
The Echo: February 4, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: February 4, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: February 4, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: February 5, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: February 5, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: February 5, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: February 5, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: February 6, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: February 6, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: February 6, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: February 6, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: February 7, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: February 7, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: February 7, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: February 7, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: February 8, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: February 8, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: February 8, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: February 8, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: February 8, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: February 9, 1986, Taylor University
The Echo: February 9, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: February 9, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: February 9, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: February 9, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: January 14, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: January 21, 1977, Taylor University
The Echo: January 26, 1986, Taylor University
The Echo: March 10, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: March 10, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: March 10, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: March 11, 1977, Taylor University
The Echo: March 11, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: March 11, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: March 11, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: March 11, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: March 11, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: March 1, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: March 1, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: March 1, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: March 1, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: March 1, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: March 1, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: March 1, 2021, Taylor University
The Echo: March 12, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: March 12, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: March 12, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: March 12, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: March 12, 2020; Professor Nancy Dayton’s Teaches more than English, Taylor University
The Echo: March 13, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: March 13, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: March 13, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: March 13, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: March 13, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: March 13, 2020; Taylor reaches COVID-19 decision, Taylor University
The Echo: March 13, 2020; The problem with Indiana basketball, Taylor University
The Echo: March 14, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: March 14, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: March 14, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: March 14, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: March 14, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: March 15, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: March 15, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: March 15, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: March 15, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: March 15, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: March 15, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: March 15, 2021, Taylor University
The Echo: March 16, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: March 16, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: March 16, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: March 16, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: March 16, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: March 17, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: March 17, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: March 17, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: March 18,1977, Taylor University
The Echo: March 18, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: March 18, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: March 18, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: March 19, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: March 19, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: March 19, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: March 20, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: March 20, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: March 20, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: March 21, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: March 21, 2020; Taylor shuts down campus for spring semester, moves classes online, Taylor University
The Echo: March 2, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: March 2, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: March 2, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: March 2, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: March 2, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: March 22, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: March 22, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: March 22, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: March 22, 2021, Taylor University
The Echo: March 23, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: March 25,1977, Taylor University
The Echo: March 29, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: March 29, 2021, Taylor University
The Echo: March 30, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: March 30, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: March 30, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: March 31, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: March 3, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: March 3, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: March 3, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: March 3, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: March 3, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: March 4, 1977, Taylor University
The Echo: March 4, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: March 4, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: March 4, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: March 4, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: March 4, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: March 5, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: March 5, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: March 5, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: March 5, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: March 6, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: March 6, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: March 6, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: March 6, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: March 7, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: March 7, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: March 7, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: March 7, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: March 8, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: March 8, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: March 8, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: March 8, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: March 8, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: March 8, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: March 9, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: March 9, 1986, Taylor University
The Echo: March 9, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: March 9, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: March 9, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: March 9, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: March 9, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: March 9, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: May 10, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: May 10, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: May 10, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: May 10, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: May 10, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: May 11, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: May 11, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: May 11, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: May 11, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: May 11, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: May 1, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: May 1, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: May 1, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: May 1, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: May 1, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: May 1, 2020; Athletic Decision leaves athletes frustrated, Taylor University
The Echo: May 12, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: May 12, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: May 12, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: May 12, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: May 12, 2020; Exit Church provides meals to those in need, Taylor University
The Echo: May 12, 2020; Selena Gomez releases new album after five years, Taylor University
The Echo: May 13, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: May 13, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: May 13, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: May 13, 2020; Cozad vs. Covid, Taylor University
The Echo: May 13, 2020; Students in the dorms find community, Taylor University
The Echo: May 14, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: May 14, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: May 14, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: May 14, 2020; Eddie Murphy returns to the spotlight as Rudy Ray Moore, Taylor University
The Echo: May 14, 2020; Tips for sustainable living while social distancing, Taylor University
The Echo: May 15, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: May 15, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: May 15, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: May 15, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: May 15, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: May 15, 2020; Students work during COVID-19, Taylor University
The Echo: May 15, 2020; Taylor’s sole National Champion in 2019-20, Taylor University
The Echo: May 16, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: May 16, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: May 16, 2020; Continuing Intentional Community, Taylor University
The Echo: May 16, 2020; Student shares passion for learning languages, Taylor University
The Echo: May 17, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: May 18, 1986, Taylor University
The Echo: May 18, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: May 18, 2020; Felicia Case resigns, Taylor University
The Echo: May 18, 2020; Sweeping the shed with Nathan Sahly, Taylor University
The Echo: May 19, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: May 19, 2020; Lessons from time at Taylor, Taylor University
The Echo: May 19, 2020; ‘Now That You’re Here’ overcomes social distancing, Taylor University
The Echo: May 20, 2020; Caleb Anthony crosses the finish line one last time, Taylor University
The Echo: May 20, 2020; Credit Union moves to Upland, Taylor University
The Echo: May 20, 2020; Our View, Taylor University
The Echo: May 21, 2020; Not defined by geography, Taylor University
The Echo: May 21, 2020; Thomas’ rise to the top, Taylor University
The Echo: May 2, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: May 2, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: May 2, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: May 2, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: May 22, 2020; A letter to my freshman self, Taylor University
The Echo: May 22, 2020; Katie James: A Report From the Frontlines, Taylor University
The Echo: May 26, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: May 3, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: May 3, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: May 3, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: May 3, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: May 3, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: May 3, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: May 3, 2021, Taylor University
The Echo: May 4, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: May 4, 1986, Taylor University
The Echo: May 4, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: May 4, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: May 4, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: May 4, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: May 4, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: May 4, 2020; COVID-19 Q&A Column: Julia Hurlow, Taylor University
The Echo: May 4, 2020; Student speaks up for hard of hearing, Taylor University
The Echo: May 5, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: May 5, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: May 5, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: May 5, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: May 5, 2020; ‘The Good Place’ delivers existential laughs from the cosmos, Taylor University
The Echo: May 5, 2020; T-shirt design embodies “not defined by geography”, Taylor University
The Echo: May 6, 1977, Taylor University
The Echo: May 6, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: May 6, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: May 6, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: May 6, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: May 6, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: May 6, 2020; Dua Lipa brings back the ‘80s, Taylor University
The Echo: May 6, 2020; Student quarantined away from home, Taylor University
The Echo: May 7, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: May 7, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: May 7, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: May 7, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: May 7, 2020; An Unforgettable Season, Taylor University
The Echo: May 7, 2020; The Sound of Spring, Taylor University
The Echo: May 8, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: May 8, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: May 8, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: May 8, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: May 8, 2020; 2016-17 Trojan Cinderella magic, Taylor University
The Echo: May 8, 2020; Contributor Series: Impactful Moments, Taylor University
The Echo: May 9, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: May 9, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: May 9, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: May 9, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: May 9, 2020; Stay healthy at home, Taylor University
The Echo: November 10, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: November 10, 1989, Taylor University
The Echo: November 10, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: November 10, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: November 10, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: November 10, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: November 11, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: November 11, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: November 11, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: November 11, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: November 11, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: November 1, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: November 1, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: November 1, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: November 1, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: November 12, 1976, Taylor University
The Echo: November 12, 1982, Taylor University
The Echo: November 12, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: November 12, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: November 12, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: November 12, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: November 13, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: November 13, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: November 13, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: November 13, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: November 14, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: November 14, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: November 14, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: November 14, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: November 15, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: November 15, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: November 15, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: November 15, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: November 15, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: November 16, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: November 16, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: November 16, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: November 16, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: November 16, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: November 16, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: November 16, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: November 17, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: November 17, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: November 17, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: November 17, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: November 18, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: November 18, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: November 18, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: November 18, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: November 18, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: November 19,1976, Taylor University
The Echo: November 19, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: November 19, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: November 19, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: November 19, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: November 20, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: November 20, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: November 20, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: November 20, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: November 21, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: November 21, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: November 21, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: November 21, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: November 2, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: November 2, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: November 2, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: November 2, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: November 2, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: November 2, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: November 22, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: November 22, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: November 22, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: November 22, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: November 22, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: November 24, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: November 30, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: November 30, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: November 30, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: November 30, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: November 30, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: November 30, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: November 3, 1989, Taylor University
The Echo: November 3, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: November 3, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: November 3, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: November 4, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: November 4, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: November 4, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: November 4, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: November 5, 1976, Taylor University
The Echo: November 5, 1982, Taylor University
The Echo: November 5, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: November 5, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: November 5, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: November 5, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: November 6, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: November 6, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: November 6, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: November 6, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: November 7, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: November 7, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: November 7, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: November 7, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: November 8, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: November 8, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: November 8, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: November 8, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: November 8, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: November 9, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: November 9, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: November 9, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: November 9, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: November 9, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: November 9, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: November 9, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: October 10, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: October 10, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: October 10, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: October 11, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: October 11, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: October 11, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: October 11, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: October 11, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: October 1, 1976, Taylor University
The Echo: October 1, 1982, Taylor University
The Echo: October 1, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: October 1, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: October 1, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: October 1, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: October 12, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: October 12, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: October 12, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: October 12, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: October 12, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: October 12, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: October 13, 1989, Taylor University
The Echo: October 13, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: October 13, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: October 13, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: October 14, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: October 14, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: October 14, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: October 14, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: October 14, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: October 15, 1976, Taylor University
The Echo: October 15, 1982, Taylor University
The Echo: October 15, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: October 15, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: October 15, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: October 16, 1981, Taylor University
The Echo: October 16, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: October 16, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: October 16, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: October 17, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: October 17, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: October 18, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: October 18, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: October 19, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: October 19, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: October 19, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: October 19, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: October 19, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: October 20, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: October 20, 1989, Taylor University
The Echo: October 20, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: October 21, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: October 21, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: October 2, 1981, Taylor University
The Echo: October 2, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: October 2, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: October 2, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: October 2, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: October 22, 1976, Taylor University
The Echo: October 22, 1982, Taylor University
The Echo: October 22, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: October 22, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: October 23, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: October 23, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: October 24, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: October 24, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: October 24, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: October 25, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: October 25, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: October 25, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: October 25, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: October 25, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: October 26, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: October 26, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: October 26, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: October 26, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: October 26, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: October 26, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: October 27, 1989, Taylor University
The Echo: October 27, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: October 27, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: October 27, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: October 27, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: October 27, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: October 28, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: October 28, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: October 28, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: October 28, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: October 29,1976, Taylor University
The Echo: October 29, 1982, Taylor University
The Echo: October 29, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: October 29, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: October 29, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: October 30, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: October 30, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: October 30, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: October 31, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: October 31, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: October 31, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: October 3, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: October 3, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: October 3, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: October 3, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: October 4, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: October 4, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: October 4, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: October 4, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: October 4, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: October 5, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: October 5, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: October 5, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: October 5, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: October 5, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: October 5, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: October 6, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: October 6, 1989, Taylor University
The Echo: October 6, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: October 6, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: October 6, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: October 6, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: October 7, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: October 7, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: October 7, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: October 7, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: October 8, 1976, Taylor University
The Echo: October 8, 1982, Taylor University
The Echo: October 8, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: October 8, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: October 8, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: October 9, 1981, Taylor University
The Echo: October 9, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: October 9, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: October 9, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: October 9, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: September 10, 1976, Taylor University
The Echo: September 10, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: September 10, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: September 10, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: September 10, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: September 11, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: September 11, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: September 11, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: September 11, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: September 1, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: September 1, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: September 1, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: September 1, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: September 12, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: September 12, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: September 12, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: September 12, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: September 13, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: September 13, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: September 13, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: September 13, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: September 13, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: September 14, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: September 14, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: September 14, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: September 14, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: September 14, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: September 14, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: September 15, 1989, Taylor University
The Echo: September 15, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: September 15, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: September 15, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: September 15, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: September 16, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: September 16, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: September 16, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: September 16, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: September 16, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: September 17,1976, Taylor University
The Echo: September 17, 1982, Taylor University
The Echo: September 17, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: September 17, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: September 17, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: September 17, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: September 18, 1981, Taylor University
The Echo: September 18, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: September 18, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: September 18, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: September 18, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: September 19, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: September 19, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: September 19, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: September 19, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: September 20, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: September 20, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: September 20, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: September 20, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: September 20, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: September 21, 1984, Taylor University
The Echo: September 21, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: September 21, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: September 21, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: September 21, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: September 21, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: September 21, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: September 2, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: September 2, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: September 2, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: September 2, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: September 22, 1985, Taylor University
The Echo: September 22, 1989, Taylor University
The Echo: September 22, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: September 22, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: September 22, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: September 22, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: September 23, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: September 23, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: September 23, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: September 23, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: September 23, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: September 24, 1976, Taylor University
The Echo: September 24, 1982, Taylor University
The Echo: September 24, 1993, Taylor University
The Echo: September 24, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: September 24, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: September 24, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: September 25, 1981, Taylor University
The Echo: September 25, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: September 25, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: September 25, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: September 25, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: September 26, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: September 26, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: September 26, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: September 26, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: September 27, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: September 27, 1996, Taylor University
The Echo: September 27, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: September 27, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: September 27, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: September 28, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: September 28, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: September 28, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: September 28, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: September 28, 2018, Taylor University
The Echo: September 28, 2020, Taylor University
The Echo: September 29, 1989, Taylor University
The Echo: September 29, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: September 29, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: September 29, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: September 29, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: September 30, 1983, Taylor University
The Echo: September 30, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: September 30, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: September 30, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: September 30, 2016, Taylor University
The Echo: September 3, 1999, Taylor University
The Echo: September 3, 2004, Taylor University
The Echo: September 3, 2010, Taylor University
The Echo: September 4, 1992, Taylor University
The Echo: September 4, 1998, Taylor University
The Echo: September 4, 2009, Taylor University
The Echo: September 4, 2015, Taylor University
The Echo: September 5, 1997, Taylor University
The Echo: September 5, 2003, Taylor University
The Echo: September 5, 2008, Taylor University
The Echo: September 5, 2014, Taylor University
The Echo: September 6, 1991, Taylor University
The Echo: September 6, 2002, Taylor University
The Echo: September 6, 2013, Taylor University
The Echo: September 6, 2019, Taylor University
The Echo: September 7, 1990, Taylor University
The Echo: September 7, 2001, Taylor University
The Echo: September 7, 2007, Taylor University
The Echo: September 7, 2012, Taylor University
The Echo: September 8, 1989, Taylor University
The Echo: September 8, 1995, Taylor University
The Echo: September 8, 2000, Taylor University
The Echo: September 8, 2006, Taylor University
The Echo: September 8, 2017, Taylor University
The Echo: September 9, 1994, Taylor University
The Echo: September 9, 2005, Taylor University
The Echo: September 9, 2011, Taylor University
The Echo: September 9, 2016, Taylor University
The Effect of Exercise Intensity on Markers of Cognition in Children, Meek Lee
The Elder Brother, T. C. Reade
The Experiences of LGBTQ+ Christians in a Support Group and Implications for Practitioners, Christian Heasley and Stacy A. Jacob
The Five Orders of Ignorance: Knowledge, Ignorance, and The Nature of Software, Phillip Armour
The Foundations of Mathematics and The Mathematics Curriculum, Bayard Baylis
The Future of Inklings Studies: Keynote Panel Discussion (4 June 2016), Joe Ricke, Diana Glyer, Sørina Higgins, and Colin Duriez
The History of the Area between a Line and a Parabola, Gordon A. Swain
The Image of the Library in the Life and Work of Charles Williams, Michael J. Paulus Jr.
The impact of the First-Year Experience on a College Student’s God Image: A Phenomenological Study, Josiah Peterson
The Influence of Richard Wagner’s Ring Cycle on C. S. Lewis, John MacInnis
The Inklings and Race: Whiteness, Mythology, and Jesus, Andrew T. Draper
The Inklings, In Memoriam: A Cycle of Poems, Donald T. Williams
The Inverse Problem: Christianity through a Mathematical Lens, Sharon K. Robbert
Theism & Mathematical Realism, John Byl
The Leadership Stories of Students of Color at Predominantly White Christian Institutions, Sharia Hays
The Mathematical Intelligencer, Dmitrii Egorov: Mathematics and Theology in Russia, Charles E. Ford
The Mathematical Sciences and the Mediator of Creation, W. David Laverell
The Mathematics of Cubic Sudoku, Nicholas Zoller
The Mathematics of Evolution, Steven R. Lay
The Math Olympian, by Richard Hoshino. A Review, Moriah Magcalas and Kyle Spyksma
The Mystery of David's Existence: Tracking a King Through Biblical Annals and Archaeology, Jed Barber
The Need for a Graphics Programming Course, Nathan Gossett
Theology and Philosophy of Mathematics, Russell V. Benson
The Performance Text of “The Light Princess” with Adela Cathcart Frame, Joe Ricke, Abby Palmisano, Blair Hedges, and Cara Strickland
The Perils, Pitfalls, and Pleasures of Writing a New Biography of Lewis, Devin Brown
The Relationship of Gender, Spirituality, and Willingness to Seek Mental Health Treatment Among Students at a Faith-Based Institution, Lauren Hoffman and William Buhrow
The Remarkable Mrs. Somerville, Richard Stout
The Resolved and Unresolved Conjectures of R.D. Carmichael, Brian D. Beasley
The Role of Computer Science in a Liberal Arts College, Russell C. Bjork
The Role of Mathematics in Culture, W. James Bradley
The Savior and the Flag, John Paul
The Search for Hamilton, Eric Gossett
The Search for the Real Josephus Problem, Eric Gossett
The Set of Zero Divisors of a Factor Ring, Jesús Jiménez
The Soul Digger or Life and Times of William Taylor, John Paul
The Soviet Concept of the Correlation of Forces, James Bradley
The Structures of the Actual World, Walter J. Schultz and Lisanne D’ Andrea Winslow
The Study of Mathematics: A Text from a Christian Perspective, Doug Phillippy
The Taylor University - Forest Community Structure, Tyler Hasbrook
The Temptation of Brother Thomas: A Stop-Motion Animated Short Film, J. Stephan Leeper
The Topology of Harry Potter: Exploring Higher Dimensions in Young Adult Fantasy Literature, Sarah Klanderman, Alexa Schut, Dave Klanderman, and William Boerman-Cornell
The Unity of Knowledge and the Faithfulness of God: The Theology of Mathematical Physicist John Polkinghorne, Matt DeLong
The University Register (April 1901), Taylor University
The University Register (April 1912), Taylor University
The University Register (December 1900), Taylor University
The University Register (December 1904), Taylor University
The University Register (February 1901), Taylor University
The University Register (February 1903), Taylor University
The University Register (January 1901), Taylor University
The University Register (January 1911), Taylor University
The University Register (January 1912), Taylor University
The University Register (July 1901), Taylor University
The University Register (June 1901), Taylor University
The University Register (June 1904), Taylor University
The University Register (June 1906), Taylor University
The University Register (June 1911), Taylor University
The University Register (March 1901), Taylor University
The University Register (March 1908), Taylor University
The University Register (May 1911), Taylor University
The University Register (November 1900), Taylor University
The University Register (November 1903), Taylor University
The University Register (November 1904), Taylor University
The University Register (October 1900), Taylor University
The University Register (September 1901), Taylor University
The Victories of Wesley Castle (3rd. Ed.), C. W. Winchester
The Victories of Wesley Castle (4rd. Ed.), C. W. Winchester
The Whole Counsel of God: A Tribute to E. Herbert Nygren, Winfried Corduan, Faye E. Checkowich, Theodore M. Dorman, Larry R. Helyer, William A. Heth, Paul R. House, Gary C. Newton, and Robert D. Pitts
The Words in the World, Luke A. Wildman
The Wynn and Bonnie Lembright Atrium (2012), Taylor University
Things hoped for…, Taylor University
Thinking Beautifully about Mathematics: A View of Mathematics as the Science of Measurable Orders, James M. Turner
Thinking Philosophically about Mathematics, Robert L. Brabenec
This Cloud of Witnesses: Taylor University Daily Devotional, Taylor University
ThML: Theological Markup Language For the Christian Classics Ethereal Library, Harry Plantinga
"Those Valiant Men": Shifting Public Opinion after the Easter Rising of 1916, Elise Wixtrom
Through the Lens of The Four Loves: Love in Perelandra, Paulette Sauders
To Lead or Not To Lead: Undergraduate Women’s Experiences in Leadership, Kait Bedel
Tracking the Trochoid on Safari, Andrew Simoson
Trigonometry Without Sines and Geometry Without Angles, Phillip Lestmann
Turner Plaza Dedication (2015), Taylor University
Turner Stadium Dedication (2015), Taylor University
Twelfth Annual Commencement, Taylor University
Twelfth Annual Commencement of Fort Wayne College of Medicine, Taylor University Fort Wayne College of Medicine
Two Faith Integration Projects for Freshman Majors, Nicholas J. Willis
Two Philosophical Problems About Mathematics, Stephen Barker
Two Strategies for Defending Naturalism Against C. S. Lewis’s and Victor Reppert’s Argument From Reason, Louis J. Swingrover
Unity and Diversity, Taylor University
Unity and Diversity - Flyer, Taylor University
Upland Convention and Taylor University Commencement, Taylor University
Using Data to Develop Mathematical Methods, Philip R. Carlson
Using Java and HTML for Linear Algebra Instruction, Jonathan R. Senning
Using Mathematics to Teach Calculus, Russell W. Howell
Using Original Historical Mathematics Texts in the Classroom, Maria Zack